Algorithms for empathy

Why empathy?

A 2023 Ernst & Young study found that most people (87-88%) believe empathy in the workplace leads to increased efficiency, creativity, and job satisfaction. A separate study in the Harvard Business Review showed that the 10 most empathetic companies increased in value more than twice as much as the bottom 10, and generated 50% more earnings as well. The question is not whether empathy affects your workers and your bottom line. The question is: What are you doing to understand and increase the use of this skill?

Hard data and soft skills

With the help of clinical psychologists and many empirical studies, we identified six observable communication skills for expressing empathy. We then built a proprietary machine-learning algorithm that instantly and objectively measures these skills. The result is a program that can scan any two-person conversation and show you exactly where and how much you use empathy in your conversations.

You can access this tool through our many training programs and resources.

Our algorithm lets employees track their empathy levels throughout a conversation. Train individuals or entire teams with our objective, instant feedback.

The algorithm at a glance

  • We assess six empirically informed categories of empathy, developed with oversight from clinical psychologists and decades of evidence-based practice.

  • Our algorithm produces reports and scoring data instantly, helping learners review transcripts while the conversation is still fresh in their heads.

  • We use a combination of machine-learning and rule-based decision trees to make sure the algorithm remains understandable and transparent in its logic.

  • In addition to training and scoring services, the algorithm can also be used as a cloud-based SaaS within your own applications. Reach out if you are interested in exploring this option more.